Leak-proof cups for toddlers. Do they really exist?
Yes, and I’m sharing my 3 favorite leak-proof sippy cups with you guys today, because letting them run around with leaky sippy cups can be seriously unfortunate.
Leaky sippy cups have been the bane of my existence as someone with multiple toddlers running around. I’ve got twin 1.5 year-olds and a 3-year-old and it reallllyyy got old having spills and stains everywhere. So, I decided to try out tons of different sippy cups to figure out which toddler cups are actually leak-proof (or as close to it as possible.)
Here’s a list of 3 the best leak-proof sippy cups for toddlers that I’ve found after testing out tons of them from Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. Hope you find some sippy cups here that work for you because these have been a mini-lifesaver for me.
Note: I’m only including cups on this list that have straws or are modeled after an open cup because based on what I’ve read, those are better for kids to use. Here’s an article that quickly summarizes why it might be better to buy straw cups or open cups compared to traditional “sippy” cups.
Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means that if you click on the link and purchase an item, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own and I only recommend stuff I actually try and love.
Munchkin Miracle 360 Wildlove Sippy Cups for Toddlers
These are my top choice for leak-proof sippy cups for toddlers because they hit all of the most important things you want in a good sippy cup. They’re hard to spill, (your kid really has to slam them on the floor or something) they’re easy to clean, they last for a decent amount of time, they’re not crazily priced, AND they are so cute. The designs are seriously adorable. Check the price for these on Amazon first, which is usually a bit lower than Target, but you can get them there as well.
I really appreciate that there’s only a couple of pieces to this cup, so it doesn’t take a long time to wash while doing the dishes. They’ve lasted more than a year in our house, too, which is impressive compared to some of the other sippy cups I’ve bought.
They also help kids learn how to drink out of regular cups without spilling issues.
Here’s what some of the cup designs look like (I have all the 2-packs, haha.)
RePlay Straw Cups
These would be my top pick if it weren’t for the straws themselves. I have these cups and love them because they really are pretty much leak-proof, but the straws aren’t the best in terms of holding up.
RePlay cups are SO great because they don’t leak unless you screw the lid on the wrong way. I love that they have a straw cup option since straw cups are better for kids’ dentition.
Still, it would be great if the straws were a little more sturdy. It seems like they tried – mine haven’t broken yet, but they don’t seem like the best option if your kids tend to bite straws (And whose kids don’t? Spill your secrets, girl.)
That being said, I still love these and haven’t had a problem with the straws yet but I assume I’ll have to replace them in a few months. There’s also a non-straw cup version, but ever since reading about how straw cups are better
Contigo Spill-Proof Tumbler
Very spillproof, durable, and cute, just a little higher in price which is why it’s farther down the list. They don’t have tons of designs on this cup but there’s 10 or so to pick from.
I don’t have anything bad to say here! I have a couple of these and really like them, they’re definitely leak-proof sippy cups perfect for toddlers. There are models with stainless steel if you spend time in the car and want to keep drinks cool, which does make them stand out a bit from the cups at the top of the list.
I have a couple of the mermaid ones and they’ve held up well for almost a year so far. I definitely recommend these if you like them! I bought mine at Target, but they tend to be a couple of dollars cheaper on Amazon.
Aaaaaand that’s it! Those are my recommendations for leak-proof cups for toddlers. I didn’t want to put anything on this list that I didn’t actually try and like and keep. So, for that reason, this was a pretty short list.
I’ve tried a lot of the Tommy Tippee cups and didn’t have a problem with them spilling, but the mouthpiece area of the cups got all chewed up very quickly. Something similar happened with the Munchkin Click Lock sippy cups, even though they have a bite-proof version. Those started leaking within a month of buying them, so they’re not on this list.
Do you have a ride or die leak-proof cup for toddlers that you don’t see on this list? Comment below and let me know, always on the lookout for some cute leak-proof cups, especially if they have straws.
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