How to Help Our Kids Develop Emotional Self-Regulation

Family of three playing video games on the couch

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And why it will affect the rest of their life.

What is emotional self-regulation, and why does it matter?

What’s self-regulation?

Self-regulation is the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to achieve the desired outcome.

It’s a key component of emotional intelligence and has been linked to success in various domains, from academic achievement to workplace productivity. 

What is emotional self-regulation?

Emotional self-regulation is a specific type of self-regulation that refers to the ability to manage one’s emotions. This includes recognizing and understanding emotions and using coping strategies to regulate emotions in a healthy way.

Emotional self-regulation is essential because it allows people to stay calm in difficult or stressful situations and make thoughtful decisions instead of reacting impulsively.

Additionally, emotional self-regulation has been linked with better mental and physical health, more successful relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Therefore, it is something that everyone can benefit from developing.

How does learning emotional regulation affect my child?

Children who can regulate their emotions tend to be more successful in school and have better social relationships. They are also less likely to engage in risky behaviors like substance abuse.

Teaching your child how to identify and manage their emotions can help them develop the skills to cope with stress and negativity. In addition, learning emotional self-regulation can also help boost your child’s self-esteem and improve their social skills. As a result, there are many benefits to helping your child learn emotional self-regulation.

What happens when kids aren’t taught emotional self-regulation?

When kids aren’t taught emotional self-regulation, it can lead to several problems. For one, they may have difficulty controlling their emotions, leading to outbursts or tantrums.

Additionally, they may have trouble focusing and paying attention, making it difficult to learn in school. Kids who struggle with emotional self-regulation may also have difficulty making and keeping friends.

They may seem clingy or needy and have trouble understanding and responding to the emotions of others. Ultimately, not teaching kids emotional self-regulation can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the classroom or playground. It can impact every aspect of their lives.

What are some examples of emotional self-regulation?

Some common examples of emotional self-regulation include: staying calm during a stressful situation, controlling anger when dealing with a demanding customer, and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

What does emotional dysregulation look like in a child?

Children who struggle with emotional dysregulation may have difficulty expressing their emotions in an age-appropriate way.

  • For instance, a preschooler feeling frustrated may lash out physically instead of using words to express her feelings.
  • Or an elementary school-aged child overwhelmed by anxiety may cry uncontrollably or have a meltdown.
  • Similarly, a teenager struggling to cope with depression may turn to self-harm or substance abuse.

While every child expresses emotions differently, children who are emotionally dysregulated often have difficulty controlling their impulses and regulating their own emotions.

As a result, they may act out in disruptive or harmful ways. If you’re concerned that your child is struggling with emotional dysregulation, it’s essential to seek professional help. A therapist can provide support and guidance that can help your child learn to cope with strong emotions in healthy ways.

What does emotional dysregulation look like in an adult?

Emotional dysregulation is a condition that causes intense and uncontrolled emotions. People who suffer from emotional dysregulation may have trouble controlling their anger, anxiety, or sadness.

They may also have frequent mood swings and act impulsively. Emotional dysregulation can be highly disruptive to a person’s life, making it difficult to maintain relationships or keep a job.

In severe cases, people with emotional dysregulation may self-harm. If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional dysregulation, it is essential to seek professional help. With treatment, you can regain control of your emotions and start living a more stable life.

How do I help my child with emotional regulation?

You can do several things to help your child develop these vital skills.

  • Provide plenty of opportunities for them to practice expressing their emotions. This might include role-playing with dolls or stuffed animals or providing art supplies for them to use to express themselves.
  • Utilize breathing exercises for kids and integrate them into your daily routine.
  • Model healthy emotional regulation yourself. When angry or upset, take a deep breath and explain your feelings.
  • Praise your child when they display good emotional regulation skills. Put it into words for them and acknowledge those good behaviors so that they understand that this is a healthy way to manage their emotions and behaviors.
  • Take a look at teacher-approved ways to teach emotional regulation to kids and use some of these ideas in your home.
  • Explore mindful parenting techniques and prioritize working through your own ability to respond rather than react.

At what age can kids regulate their emotions?

As any parent knows, dealing with tantrums and emotional outbursts is all part of the territory when you have young children.

But at what age can kids start to regulate their emotions? While every child is different, most begin to show signs of being able to control their emotions by around age 4 or 5.

This doesn’t mean that they will never have another tantrum again, but they should be able to start using words to express their feelings instead of lashing out.

As children grow and develop, they will continue to learn new ways to cope with their emotions. With your help and patience, they will eventually be able to handle even the most challenging situations with grace and poise.

How do you deal with an emotionally dysregulated child?

It can be challenging to deal with an emotionally dysregulated child. They may often seem out of control, and their emotions can be overwhelming. It’s important to remember that they didn’t choose to be this way and that they need our understanding and support. There are a few things we can do to help them cope.

  • Provide them with a safe and predictable environment. This means having consistent rules and routines that they can rely on. If your reaction to their behavior is calm one day and loud/angry the next, they will have issues understanding what to expect from you.
  • Help them label their emotions and understand why they’re feeling them. This can be done through Therapeutic Storytelling or other similar techniques. Breathing exercises might be challenging at first, but persist if the child can understand and use them as a tool to calm down.
  • Be there for them when they need us. They may not always be able to express how they’re feeling, but simply knowing that we’re there for them can make a difference.
  • Be a role model. “Do as I say and not as I do” is generally an ineffective parenting tactic and doesn’t apply here.

How do you teach self-regulation in early childhood?

Teaching self-regulation in early childhood can help children to develop into well-rounded adults. There are a variety of ways to teach self-regulation.

One way is to provide opportunities for children to practice self-control. For example, you can set up situations where children must wait their turn or resist the urge to yell. This can help them to develop patience and impulse control.

Another way to teach self-regulation is to model self-control yourself. When you demonstrate how to handle strong emotions calmly and constructively, you show children that it is possible to regulate their reactions.

Finally, it is important to praise children when they display self-control. This reinforces the desired behavior and helps children to feel proud of their accomplishments.

What are the first signs of emotional regulation?

One early sign is self-soothing behaviors, such as thumb sucking or hair twirling. These behaviors can help calm a child down when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Another sign of emotional regulation is the ability to take turns and share with others. This demonstrates that the child can control their impulses and delay gratification. As children develop, they will continue to learn new ways to regulate their emotions. With time and practice, they will better cope with stress and manage their reactions to challenging situations.

How do you deal with an emotionally dysregulated child?

The most important thing when dealing with an emotionally dysregulated child is to remain calm. It can be challenging to see our children in distress, but it is essential to remember that they are simply upset and not trying to manipulate or hurt us.

The best way to respond is to provide emotional support and understanding. We can do this by listening carefully, remaining patient, and offering reassurance.

Additionally, it can be helpful to provide structure and routine, as this can help to provide a sense of stability and security. Finally, we should seek out professional help if the situation feels overwhelming or if we are struggling to effectively support our child. Following these tips can create a safe and supportive environment for an emotionally dysregulated child.

Why are emotional self-regulation skills so important?

Emotional self-regulation skills are incredibly important because they help children to cope with stress and manage their reactions to challenging situations. These skills can profoundly impact the rest of our children’s lives.

Self-regulation is important for childhood and adult happiness

Anyone who has tried to diet or quit smoking knows that self-regulation is not always easy. It can be downright tricky at times. However, regulating one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior is incredibly important for both childhood and adult happiness.

Children who can self-regulate are better able to cope with stress and adapt to change. They are also more likely to succeed in school and have healthier relationships.

For adults, self-regulation is linked to job satisfaction and overall life satisfaction. Therefore, it is clear that the ability to regulate oneself is essential for a happy and successful life.

It helps with your career

There’s no doubt that emotional self-regulation is a valuable skill in the workplace. After all, who wants to be the person who melts down at the first sign of stress? Or the one who can’t seem to control their outbursts when things don’t go their way?

It’s not just about maintaining a professional appearance, either. Being able to regulate your emotions can lead to better career results. When you can keep your cool under pressure, you’re more likely to make clear-headed decisions that will benefit you and your company. You’re also less likely to burn bridges or create office drama by acting out in an uncontrolled way.

It assists with forming healthy relationships

When it comes to forming healthy relationships, self-regulation is especially important. People who can’t manage their emotions often have difficulty communicating with others and handling conflict. As a result, they may find it difficult to form lasting bonds with others. However, those who can regulate their emotions tend to be more understanding and supportive, both of which are essential for any close relationship.

Self-regulation is vital for mental health

Anyone who has ever dealt with anxiety or depression knows that managing emotions can be daunting. When negative emotions spiral out of control, they can profoundly impact mental health.

That’s why emotional self-regulation is so important. Learning how to effectively manage emotions can help to prevent anxiety and depression from taking hold. Additionally, it can also help to improve overall mental well-being.

Many different techniques can be used for emotional self-regulation. Some people find journaling helpful, while others prefer to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises. Regardless of the method, the goal is to learn how to control and manage emotions in a healthy way. By doing so, it is possible to improve mental health and well-being.

Wrapping up: The TL;DR

Emotional self-regulation is a valuable skill that can profoundly impact the rest of our children’s lives. Kids need to learn how to deal with their emotions healthily, and we can help them do this in many ways. We can provide them with a stable home life, set a good example, and help them learn how to express their emotions healthily. emotional self-regulation skills are incredibly important because they help children to cope with stress and manage their reactions to challenging situations.

These skills can profoundly impact the rest of our children’s lives. For adults, self-regulation is linked to job satisfaction and overall life satisfaction. Therefore, it is clear that the ability to regulate oneself is essential for a happy and successful life.

Many different techniques can be used for emotional self-regulation. Some people find journaling helpful, while others prefer to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises. Regardless of the method, the goal is to learn how to control and manage emotions healthily. By doing so, it is possible to improve mental health and well-being.

When did you begin learning about emotional self-regulation? Was it something you had to discover and teach yourself about? Let me know in the comments!

As well learn more about human psychology and even sociology, it’s becoming more evident that emotional self-regulation is a learned skill and not generally an innate one/ We should spend time teaching our kids how to sit with, work through, and deal with their negative and positive emotions (all of which are normal) so that they will be equipped for their future relationships, home, and career ups and downs.

Featured photo credit (The picture at the top of the post): Tiger Lily on Pexels. Thank you!



Hey! I'm a freelance writer and a mom of three. I've been blogging for over 10 years now and def I write posts here about working from home as a parent, mindful parenting, and tips for how to develop a more sustainable home.

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